How to Install St Augustine Sod

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If you experienced sod installers in Bakersfield to lay sod, it is best to hire a landscape contractor. They have experience with laying sod and are familiar with local growing conditions. If you’re attempting to lay sod on your own, make sure to wear protective clothing and face masks to avoid pesticides. Before laying, amend the soil with a tiller or renovating tool to prepare it for the sod. If your soil is heavy and compacted, add nutrient-rich compost or recommended lime to loosen it. It’s also important to check that surface drainage moves away from permanent structures or low spots that may impound water.

The first two weeks after laying, water the sod every day, making sure to soak the soil underneath. This helps the roots to firmly establish and prevents the sod from drying out. After the sod is established, water it weekly, unless your lawn is receiving generous rainfall.

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A good starter fertilizer will help the sod become established faster. Apply a fertilizer such as Medina Plus on the first week after sod installation and again in the second week. This will encourage the sod to root down and make it more resilient against disease, insects, weeds and drought.

St. Augustine grass grows in climates from tropical areas all the way up to Florida and along the Gulf Coast. Depending on the cultivar you choose, it can thrive in sun or shade. Proper site preparation, a consistent sod care schedule and proper maintenance will result in a lush and healthy lawn for years to come.

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