An Estate Planning Attorney Can Help You Create a Plan to Protect Your Loved Ones

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estate planning attorney riverside

An estate planning attorney riverside for anyone with significant assets or a family. It can protect your wealth for your loved ones after your death, ensure your wishes are carried out and prevent your family from having to navigate complicated legal issues. It’s especially important for those with minor children, spouses or business partners. A Riverside estate planning attorney can help you create a plan that includes wills, trusts, and power of attorneys to ensure your family’s financial security after your death.

A will allows you to specify who should receive your property and how that should be distributed. It can also set up guardianship for minor children and include instructions on how a trustee should manage the trust property. Having a will also allows you to avoid the costly and time-consuming process of probate.

Estate Planning Attorney in Riverside: Securing Your Legacy and Protecting Your Loved Ones

Your estate plan can also include a health care directive, or living will. This document outlines your medical wishes in case you become incapacitated or terminally ill. It can specify what treatments you do and do not want to receive, as well as a health care proxy who will make decisions for you.

An experienced estate planning attorney can also assist you in setting up strategies to minimize taxes and fees. For example, life insurance policies can be used to pay estate taxes. An attorney can also help you establish a trust to hold your business interests or other assets so that they pass directly to your heirs upon your death without being subject to probate.

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